Santa Hat Chronicles has MOVED to

Sirena Tales

Scene: Suburban neighborhood, northeastern U.S., Christmastime 2012, dreary, wet, cold day.

Enter stage left, (i.e. from my driveway): Middle-aged woman dancer wearing ski jacket and ruby red Santa Hat.

IMG_0164She sets off on her usual route.  The penetrating damp spurs her to move at a good clip.  She quickly gets into her rhythm.  As always, after only a few minutes, the act of walking in the fresh air casts its spell and eases her into a meditative state.

The ideas and inspiration start to flow.  She suddenly has an idea for a delicious, comforting dinner for tonight and a solution to a family issue and a kernel for her new dance piece. They all just form and appear out of the initially unpromising mist.

This is what walking can do.  Or any anything meditative.  Although it makes sense that MOVEment can move you and your mind and soul, along with…

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